Clue: Secrets in Paris (2009)

Anthony E. Pratt
Блеф, Дедукция, Детектив
Карты на руках, Запись результатов, Делай и двигай
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Clue: Secrets in Paris»

You're on a high school drama club tip to France and the sights are like, totally amazing until - OMG! On a dare, a student has stolen a priceless work of art!

Now it's up to you to solve the mystery... one of your classmates is hiding something! Was it White? Did she hide the work of art in the Orsay Museum, using the "rope"? This CLUE game has more secrets, more rumors, more drama than a high school hallway! It's packed with landmarks, scenery, and interesting personalities: including student "passport" profiles, illustrated gameboard, city map CLUE sheets, 9 miniature prop "weapons", Rumor and Intrigue card decks, and more!

Narrow down you suspects, then make your accusation - uncover the mystery that everyone is whispering about.

- From back of box.

This version incorporates the additions from Clue: Discover the Secrets:
Each person has been given a unique power which may be used only once per game. There is an Intrigue deck which may or may not grant a player an extra action. Those Intrigue cards which do not grant an extra action are called Clock Cards. The player who draws the eighth Clock card is eliminated from play. Any player who draws a Clock Card thereafter is also eliminated. The “one” on one of the dice has been replaced by “?”. Any player who rolls “?” must draw an Intrigue card.


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