CO₂: The Arctic Expansion (2012)

Vital Lacerda, Nathan Morse
Экономика, Экология
Контроль территории, Драфт карт, Размещение тайлов, Переменный порядок фаз, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
~90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «CO₂: The Arctic Expansion»

In the game CO₂, each player is the CEO of an energy company responding to government requests for new, green power plants. The goal is to stop the increase of pollution, while meeting the rising demand for sustainable energy — and of course profiting from doing so. You will need enough expertise, money, and resources to build these clean power plants. Energy summits will promote global awareness, and allow companies to share a little of their expertise, while learning still more from others.

The Arctic is especially vulnerable to the effects of global warming, as has become apparent in the melting sea ice in recent years. Climate models predict much greater warming in the Arctic than the global average.

"CO₂: Promo Expansion Arctic" adds the arctic's area in game, a global Event - The Arctic Melts, and The Arctic Company Goal card.

By the way, if the pollution isn't stopped, it's game over for all of us.


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