Combopolis III (2022)

Steven Aramini, Danny Devine, Jason Tagmire
Карточная, Фермерские, Строительство
Кооператив, Размещение тайлов
Время игры
~15 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Combopolis III»

A 6-card combo pack that allows you to combine Agropolis and Naturopolis (to mix farmland with wilderness).

Unlike the original rules for both standalone games, this variant eliminates the use of card-passing. Rather, players shuffle each game deck individually, flipping a single card from each to reveal 2 scoring conditions. Then, a 3rd card is drawn at random from the 6-card combo pack to reveal the 3rd and final scoring condition. A separate card from this pack is used as the starting tile, displaying 2 "blocks" from those terrains included in each game respectively.

On a player's turn, they draw 1 card from each game deck and must choose 1 to play and 1 to discard. In this way, both game decks with run out at the same rate. End game occurs after the last 2 cards are drawn and played/discarded.

Players score for the largest 2 block groups from each game, lose points for individual roads, and score/lose points according to the 3 scoring condition cards.


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