犯人は踊るポーカー (Criminal Dance Poker) (2015)

円卓P (entaku_P)
Блеф, Карточная, Дедукция
Время игры
10 — 20 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «犯人は踊るポーカー (Criminal Dance Poker)»

This micro game consists of just five cards: 1) Criminal; 2) Detective; 3) Witness; 4) Bystander; and 5) Suspect. It reimplements "Criminal Dance" (犯人は踊る), which is a game of deduction, bluffing, and outguessing.

Each player is dealt a card that represents his/her identity. One of the extra cards is put in the center, face down. The card in the center determines which card is the real culprit: it can be the highest numbered card or the lowest. Each player now has a chance to exchange his/her identity card with another player. This exchange is done by pointing another person (or the card in the center). If there are more than two players wanting the same card, both players simply lose his/her opportunity to exchange. If there is only one player who wants a specific card, he or she just takes it. After this exchange, everyone reveals his/her identity, and depending on the card in the center, one player is declared as the real criminal and eliminated from the game. Play continues this manner, until there is only one player remaining, who becomes the winner of the game.


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