Critical Hit! - Volume 7, No. 3 (2004)

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Описание «Critical Hit! - Volume 7, No. 3»

Volume 7, No. 3 of Critical Hit's ASL magazine, containing articles, scenarios and a historical map (Pointe du Hoc) for Advanced Squad Leader.

The following articles are included:
- Scenario Analysis: Akrotiri Gone Awry (a scenario from this issue)
- Küstenjäger: German Coastal Commandos in ASL
- Incidents with the 7th: A first-hand account of British combat on the battlefields of Normandy in 1944
- Tigers to the Front: A review of the scenario pack
- Busting the Bocage: A review of the ASL module

The following scenarios are included (BtB scenarios are played on the enclosed historical map):
BtB#1: NO NEED FOR ORDERS; 6 June 1944; Pointe du Hoc, France
BtB#2: SHRAPNEL MOTIVATION; 6 June 1944; Pointe du Hoc, France
BtB#3: A FUTILE HOUR; 6 June 1944; Pointe du Hoc, France
BtB#4: ROUT THE KRAUT; 6 June 1944; Pointe du Hoc, France
BtB#5; WALKING WOUNDED; 6 June 1944; Pointe du Hoc, France
BtB#6: FROM OMAHA WITH LOVE; 8 June 1944; Pointe du Hoc, France
CH#170: BRIDEGROOMS OF DEATH; 14 August 1936, Badajoz, Spain
CH#171: INTERNACIONALE FOLLIES; 14 December 1936, Boadilla, Spain
CH#172: WINTER BLUES; 19 March 1942; North of Novgorod, Russia
CH#173: 'BITCHES' ON THE BEACH; 11 August 1945; Sakhalin Island
CH#174: SETTLING AN OLD SCORE; 17 August 1945; Sakhalin Island
CH#175: ESCAPE HATCH; 24 June 1941; Grodno, Russia
CH#176: TOUCHDOWN!; 28 May 1940; Abbeville, France
CH#177: AKROTIRI GONE AWRY; 20 May 1941; Akrotiri Peninsula, Crete
CH#178: CROCODILE HUNT; 8 February 1945; Frasselt, Germany
CH#179: ACROSS THE BEREZINA; 9 July 1941; near Osipovitchi, Russia
CH#180: THE RUINS OF SILLEGNY; 19 September 1944; Sillegny, France
CH#181: THUNDER AT SEELOW; 16 April 1945; Seelow, Germany


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