Крокодил (2010)

Тимофей Бокарёв, Дмитрий Кибкало, Артём Зубов
Ловкость, Вечеринка, Путешествия, Разговорные
Актерская игра, Кооператив
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
4 — 20
Возраст игроков
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Купить игру Crocodile (Крокодил) в Cardplace Cardplace

Описание «Крокодил»

This game is a tabletop version of "Crocodile", a very famous Russian party game. In Crocodile, players have to explain words using only movements and gestures. The game includes a number of additional rules and tasks that add twists to the basic game of Crocodile and make it even more fun to play.

The gameplay is simple. Players are divided into teams, and then each team will take turns: one player has one minute to explain as many words as possible while the other team members try to guess them quickly to gain more points. Words will be worth more or less points depending on their difficulty, as they could be anything from ordinary objects to entire phrases.

In addition, the team can use special cards that can change the entire course of the game. These "U-cards" can be played before the player begins explaining words, and include abilities such as:
- "First letter": You are allowed to say the first letter of the word;
- "Additional minute": You are given one additional minute to explain;
- "Replace a player": You can change the player who is going to explain the words - this lets competing teams gain an advantage by preventing good players from participating.
- "With closed eyes" - Have you ever tried to explain something without seeing others?
- "Robbery": You can guess the word of another team and steal their points

The game contains 200 cards with words. Each card has 10 tasks, so the game comes with 2,000 words and phrases.


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