Crokinole Imperium (2022)

Colter Hahn, Dr. Steven Brown
Ловкость, Карточная, Средневековые
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Crokinole Imperium»

Crokinole Imperium brings three brand new experiences to the classic game of crokinole, by introducing new cards and rules that are combined with rich Medieval-Latin lore.

SUB ROSA meaning, “Under the Rose” is a Latin phrase that has been used in the middle ages to denote secrecy or confidentiality. In this game each player will earn points by completing their unique objective card and by outscoring their opponents.

FREE LANCES refers to mercenaries whose lance was free of any lord’s service. Each mercenary will offer you a single use ability that could tip the round in your favor, but be careful not to let their valuable skills go to waste.

TERRA NOVA meaning, "New Land" brings about a new land card each round that applies to all players requiring you to significantly alter your strategy. Learn the terrain and use it to your advantage or fail to adapt see an abrupt end to your thoughts of victory.


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