Crossbows and Catapults: Grand Battleset (1992)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Ловкость, Детская, Средневековые
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Crossbows and Catapults: Grand Battleset»

From the back of the box:

'In the Dark Ages, enemy kingdoms battled using the powerful crossbow and the mighty catapult... The battlefields is now being readied for the clash between the Vikings and the Barbarians. You are the commander of the Vikings and your opponent is the commander of the Barbarians. Both commanders have great arsenals of weapons and brave warriors, but the one who possesses the greater skill and better strategy will conquer!'

This expansion adds large, square, towers with integral catapults and spring loaded roof platforms. A direct hit on the front gate will propel any defenders positioned on the spring loaded roof platform into the air.

This expansion also contains (for each side):
12 interlocking wall blocks,
8 defending soldiers,
14 additional reinforcement battle caroms for use with either crossbows or catapults,
1 King battle carom,
5 flags to delineate territory
base platform.

There's enough here to play independently of the main game, but once added to the original set, players have the capability to create epic battlefields.

Players must set up their allocated forces at each end of the playing area, then do their best to smash, bash and destroy their opponent's fortifications and forces by using the elastic-band powered siege machines.

Catapults fire indirectly, lobbing pucks over obstacles, to strike deep inside their opponent's base. While crossbows fire directly, destroying everything in their path.

Fun for both kids and adults.


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