Cthulhu Wars: Colour Out of Space Gate Pack (2016)

Sandy Petersen
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Очки действий, Поле для перемещения, Бросание кубиков, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
90 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «Cthulhu Wars: Colour Out of Space Gate Pack»

8 plastic gates in each of the 8 playable faction colors (CW-U7).

Special Colour out of Space rules turn these into a new game play expansion.

When any player Creates a Gate, he may set in the Area either an available Colour Gate (of his choice) or a normal one. You do not have to Create the Gate of your Faction color. I.e., Crawling Chaos can Create a red Gate. A Colour Gate acts as a normal Gate
during the Gather Power Phase.
At the START of each Doom Phase, roll 1d6 and consult the following:

1. METEORITE: Beginning with the starting player, and continuing in turn order, the first player who does not control a Colour Gate must select a Colour Gate from the Pool (if available) and replace one of his normal Gates with it. Only one player does this.

BLUE: The Gate’s Controller gains 1 Power.
GREEN: The Gate’s Controller earns an extra Elder Sign if he performs a Ritual of Annihilation this Doom phase.
ORANGE: The Gate’s Controller gains 1 Power.
PURPLE: The Gate’s Controller gains 1 Doom.
RED: The Gate’s Controller Kills the lowest cost enemy Monster or Cultist at the Gate, if available.
PINK: The Gate’s Controller receives an extra Elder Sign if he performs a Ritual of Annihilation this turn.
LIGHT BLUE: The Gate’s Controller Kills the lowest cost enemy Monster or Cultist at the Gate, if available.
YELLOW: The Gate’s Controller gains 1 Doom.

BLUE: The Gate’s Controller loses 1 Power.
GREEN: The Gate’s Controller earns an extra Elder Sign if he performs a Ritual of Annihilation this Doom phase.
ORANGE: The Gate’s Controller gains 1 Power.
PURPLE: The Gate’s Controller loses 1 Doom.
RED: The Gate’s Controller Eliminates one of his own units at the Gate.
PINK: The Gate’s Controller may not perform a Ritual of Annihilation this Doom phase.
LIGHT BLUE: The Gate’s Controller Eliminates one of his own units at the Gate.
YELLOW: The Gate’s Controller gains 1 Doom.

BLUE: The Gate’s Controller gains 1 Power.
GREEN: The Gate’s Controller may not perform a Ritual of Annihilation this Doom phase.
ORANGE: The Gate’s Controller loses 1 Power.
PURPLE: The Gate’s Controller gains 1 Doom.
RED: The Gate’s Controller Kills the lowest cost Monster or Cultist at the Gate, if available.
PINK: The Gate’s Controller receives an extra Elder Sign if he performs a Ritual of Annihilation this Doom phase.
LIGHT BLUE: The Gate’s Controller Kills the lowest cost enemy Monster or Cultist at the Gate, if available.
YELLOW: The Gate’s Controller loses 1 Doom.

BLUE: The Gate’s Controller loses 1 Power.
GREEN: The Gate’s Controller may not perform a Ritual of Annihilation this Doom phase.
ORANGE: The Gate’s Controller loses 1 Power.
PURPLE: The Gate’s Controller loses 1 Doom.
RED: The Gate’s Controller Eliminates one of his units at the Gate.
PINK: The Gate’s Controller may not perform a Ritual of Annihilation this Doom phase.
LIGHT BLUE: The Gate’s Controller Eliminates one of his own units at the Gate.
YELLOW: The Gate’s Controller loses 1 Doom.

The player with the lowest Doom total may select 1 Colour Gate anywhere on the map and replace it with a normal Gate. On a tie for lowest Doom, all tied players do this in player order. When finished, reroll the Colour die. On a second roll of 6, nothing further happens.


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