Cthulhu Wars: Daemon Sultan (2020)

Sandy Petersen
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Очки действий, Контроль территории, Бросание кубиков, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
90 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков
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Описание «Cthulhu Wars: Daemon Sultan»

The Daemon Sultan Faction box includes 3 Great Old Ones, 6 Monsters (Great Old Ones Larvae), 3 Chaos Gates, a high priest, a dark demon, six acolytes, and four brain cylinder minis, as well as four token brain cylinders.

Great Old Ones
Unique among Factions, the Daemon Sultan has THREE Great Old Ones! They are its avatars: Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis. Each is distinct, yet all are linked, bound inextricably by interlocking costs, abilities, and spellbooks.

Each Great Old One has a Larval Form! These have a Combat 2 if their parent Great Old One is in play, and O Combat otherwise. They are required to Awaken their parent.

Chaos Gates
Only Cultists of the insane Daemon Sultan Faction may control these terrifying constructs, which can displace and destroy ordinary Gates.

The Daemon Sultan starts with no units on the map. All Daemon Sultan Spellbooks are one-use per full Action Phase, like the core game's Thousand Forms Spellbook. You must orchestrate their best use.

Although no separate German and French versions will exist, a full translation kit exists for French (also includes the Cthulhu Wars: Bubastis material).


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