Cutthroat Caverns: Hex Room Promo Card (2009)

Curt Covert
Приключения, Карточная
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~90 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 6

Описание «Cutthroat Caverns: Hex Room Promo Card»

The promo card "Hex Room" was handed out at the Smirk & Dagger booth at GenCon 2009. It is an encounter card for the game Cutthroat Caverns that pays homage to one of Smirk & Dagger's other games, Hex Hex.

Text on the card is as follows:

NON-COMBAT Encounter - No attack cards are 'Set'.
Give Player #1 any token to represent the Hex. The player with the Hex must play an Attack card from his hand. If the first digit of the attack value is Even, pass the Hex to the Right. If Odd, pass to the Left. If 0, pass to any Player. 'Trip' & 'Critical Miss' will cancel any Attack card. 'Not So Tough' can be used to alter an attack value and change the Hex direction. If at any time you cannot play a card with an attack value, you are hexed. The Hexed player must draw an Initiative Card.
1) Lose 20 Life. The Player who sent you the Hex gains 10 Life.
2) Remove all your Items from the game.
3) Get a (-3) Prestige token.
4) Permanently reduce your hand size by one.
5) Get a (-5) Prestige token.
6) Gain 3 Prestige and 20 Life.


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