Cywilizacja: Poprzez wieki – Polski dodatek 1 (2009)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Очки действий, Драфт карт
Время игры
~240 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Cywilizacja: Poprzez wieki – Polski dodatek 1»

Expansion consisting of six additional cards added to Polish edition of the game.

  • "Kopalnia Soli w Wieliczce", Age I wonder, "One of your level A or I mine produces twice as many (resources). One of your level A or I farm produces twice as many (food)."
  • "Pałac Kultury i Nauki", Age III wonder, "You immediately score culture according to your culture rating and 1/4/9/16 culture for 1/2/3/4 different special (blue) technology cards you have in play."
  • "Mikołaj Kopernik", Age I leader, "Your best temple or library produces an additional amount of science equal to its level. Every time you play a special (blue) technology card, you get 1 (science) and 1 (resource)."
  • "Jan Paweł II", Age III leader, "Each of your temples (temple) produces an amount of (culture) equal to its level. Your government produces an amount of (culture) equal to its level."
  • "Rozbiory", Age II aggression, 3 military actions, "Take that many yellow tokens as level of your government and that many blue tokens as level of your rival's government from rival's banks."
  • "Husaria", Age II tactics, 2x (cavalry), 1x (artillery) = +7 strength (this card is used at Boardgaming online in Extended 2.0 variant)


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