D100 Dungeon: The Dragon Armour (2019)

Martin Knight
Книга, Кубики
Бросание кубиков, Запись результатов, Ролевая игра, Сторителлинг
Время игры
5 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «D100 Dungeon: The Dragon Armour»

The Dragon Armour Adventure Book introduces a different way of playing D100 Dungeon, and will give you choices much like a “choose your own adventure” game book. It uses all of the D100 Dungeon rules from the main rule book with a few modifications. Also included in the Adventure Book are some additional rules for D100 Dungeon that can be implemented into any of your D100 Dungeon games, whether you are playing a Quest, Campaign or an Adventure.

You will need the D100 Dungeon rule book to play this Adventure book and it is compatible with the D100 Dungeon Mapping Game.

Available from - https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/13157/Martin-Knight?src=browse13157


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