D100 Dungeon: World Builder (2022)

Martin Knight
Приключения, Книга, Кубики, Фэнтези
Бросание кубиков, События, Запись результатов, Ролевая игра, Сторителлинг
Время игры
5 — 999 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «D100 Dungeon: World Builder»

The World Builder Game turns D100 Dungeon into a sandbox game of world exploration and provides you the player with the tools to create and explore new and fascinating worlds. Now our adventurers will travel the lands and interact with villages, towns and cities, and explore vast wildernesses in search of amazing quests.

Through the use of a special calendar, the adventurers will set off from their homeland (a home hex), spending days (crossing them off on the calendar) to take actions, and all the while trying to complete quests. They will need to scout the surrounding areas and navigate towards quests they will be finding out about on their travels; however, along the way they will need to find food, rest and may encounter events that could aid, or hinder their efforts.

The different terrain that they will encounter (such as hills, mountains, forests, deserts, swamps, seas, marshes, tundras, jungles and grasslands) may contain rivers and roads, and these will greatly impact their movement, and make journeys slow until they can afford a mount; perhaps until then, they will try to find a passing wagon, or cart and pay for a lift.

As time trickles away, the seasons pass by and the adventurer will find certain times of the year more food is found during the warmer months and less during the colder months. Also various terrain events may be harder, or easier to overcome depending on the time of year.

If the current lands are proving difficult, or when 25 quests have been completed, it may well be time to take a voyage across the seas to a faraway land in search dungeons waiting to plundered. The adventurer pays a ship to take them, and plots a route to another land (hex) sheet. There is no limits to the number of lands that can be explored. In addition, if the adventurer wants to take part in the campaign and adventurer books released for D100 Dungeon, they may also take a voyage to those lands and play those quests too.

You will need the D100 Dungeon rule book to play the world builder game, and it is fully compatible with everything that has been released for D100 Dungeon.


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