Dark Darker Darkest: Kickstarter Special (2013)

David Ausloos
Очки действий, Поле для перемещения, Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Временной трек
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Dark Darker Darkest: Kickstarter Special»

The Dark Darker Darkest - Kickstarter Special box was shipped to all Kickstarter backers of the Premium level pledge.

It added some extras: two new survivors, two new creatures, two new nemesis, ten new map tiles, zombies with special abilities and new miniatures (these where also released with the Zombie Expansion), radioactive rules with red models (a sub-set of the Radioactive Expansion), a small survivor expansion (where you find other civilians in the house) and the small Helipad expansion (a new map tile that shows the landing pad, where you have to end up if you wanna escape).


  • 2 Survivor Boards and Survivor Miniatures Grey with Colored Base
  • 2 Nemesis Boards and Nemesis Miniatures Grey
  • 2 Creature Boards and Creature Miniatures Grey
  • 10 Room Tiles (6X Inner Rooms, 4X Outer Rooms)
  • 2 Entrap Tokens
  • 8 Skill Tokens
  • 7 Marker Cubes
  • 10 Equipment Cards
  • 7 Glow In The Dark Creature Dice
  • 10 Glow In The Dark Standard Zombie Miniatures
  • Dark Darker Darkest: Zombie Expansion (contains 40 Spawn Tokens, 50 Zombie Miniatures Grey: 10 each of Standards, Guts, Disco Dolls, Chunk, and Tuff Guy)
  • Dark Darker Darkest: Survivor Dice Expansion (contains 20 Survivor dice, 5 sets of 4 in each base survivor color)
  • RadioactiveRed Survivor/Nemesis expansion (contains 1 Room Tile, 27 Radiation Markers, 10 Equipment Cards, 7 Survivor Miniatures Red with Colored Base, 4 Nemesis Miniatures Red) (This is a subset of Dark Darker Darkest: Radioactive Expansion)
  • Dark Darker Darkest: Victims Mini Expansion (contains 3 Victim Tokens)
  • Dark Darker Darkest: Heli Escape Expansion (contains 1 Room Tile)


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