Dark Rituals: Malleus Maleficarum – The Spider's Brood (2019)

Filippo Chirico
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Очки действий, Поле для перемещения, Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле
Время игры
60 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Dark Rituals: Malleus Maleficarum – The Spider's Brood»

Dark Rituals: The Spider’s Brood is a mini-expansion that contains everything you need to add a new Witch and her Minions to all your games.

Karakurt sat in the corner of her lair, enjoying a moment of contentment, gnawing on a leg bone. Yes, sometimes life could be really good. Her lair was nice and damp. Her mates’ leg bone was still juicy. Her babies skittered around the web-lined tunnel, too small to do any harm, but big enough for a sweet meal soon. Life has its moments.

A spiderling abruptly turned and ran towards her. Happy days! Her claw snapped out to pierce its abdomen. A succulent dessert would be the perfect end to the meal. As she raised the oozing creature to her mouth, she caught sight of a disturbance near the entrance to her web tunnel. It was not just this one spiderling that was running wild, the whole brood was acting up.

In the dim light, she finally saw it. A slight swirling disturbance in the air, slowly advancing towards her. Was some crazy witch attacking her, in her lovely home? The audacity! Then suddenly it gained pace, sweeping down the passage towards her. It cleared everything in its path, all the bones, bodies and babies disappearing into the swirling void. With nowhere to go and no time to think, Karakurt stared at the portal, venom dripping impotently from her fangs, as the Conjunction encompassed her.

Suddenly the pain was dreadful! Bright lights burned her eyes! Pleasant smells assaulted her nostrils! A dry warm breeze played across her sensilla hairs! She had never known such discomfort. What could be happening?


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