Death Mesa (fan expansion for BANG!) (2011)

Martin Pulido
Дикий запад, Блеф, Карточная, Дедукция
Карты на руках, Выбывание игрока
Время игры
~40 мин
Количество игроков
4 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «Death Mesa (fan expansion for BANG!)»

Death Mesa is an unofficial expansion to BANG! the card game designed to improve the element of player elimination by having eliminated players remain in and influence the game as ghosts. Ghosts have no life points, no distance constraints, cannot die, and also draw from a specialized deck of cards called the Dead Men's Deck. Cards from this deck allow the ghosts to possess the living, bequeath items from their will, inspire or weaken others, reveal information on cards in player's hands, warn of impending doom, and so forth. Ghosts however, can spoil each other's plans.

With a strong thematic background, Death Mesa should add to the fun of BANG! and draw new fans to it who could not stand the player elimination.


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