Der Landvogt und die fraechen Luegner (2015)

Frank Bebenroth
Карточная, Средневековые, Ренессанс
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
10 — 20 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Der Landvogt und die fraechen Luegner»

The card game is based on Frank Bebenroth's Drecksau. It's settled in a small historical Swiss town a couple of centuries ago. People want to have fun playing games, but games are forbidden. You're trying to play secretly at home. If the reeve knocks on your door, you better send your mother to prevent him from coming in. But if it's the priest, he'll come in anyway...

You have 3 or 5 two-sided character cards in front of you. They start on the grey (not playing) side. If you are the first player to turn all your cards to the coloured (playing) side, you win the game.

You have 3 activity cards on your hand. They allow you to turn your or the others' character cards, to protect your cards, or to remove protection from the others.


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