Dice Brewing: Mr. Hop in Essen (2014)

Filip Głowacz, Ireneusz Huszcza
Драфт карт, Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Dice Brewing: Mr. Hop in Essen»

Mr. Hop in Essen is a special promo card for Dice Brewing, which was available at Spiel '14, in Essen.

Mr. Hop in Essen is a recipe card which requires the following basic recipe:

  • 1 hop die (green) with the minimum value of 2;
  • 2 light malt dice (yellow), one with a minimum value of 3 and one with a minimum value of 5;
  • 1 dark malt dice (black) with the minimum value of 3;
  • 1 special hops token.
The player's reward is 5 master points and 6 gold coins. The card's enhancements are:
  • 1 blue die for 2 mastery points;
  • 2 gold coins for an action token.

Mr. Hop can also be found in the rule book, as an employee from the Training Department who helps players navigate through the rule of the game.


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