Dinosaur World: Water Pack (2021)

Brian Lewis, David McGregor, Marissa Misura, Stevo Torres, Kwanchai Moriya, Joe Shawcross, Andrew Thompson
Животные, Научная фантастика
Бросание кубиков, Размещение тайлов, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
60 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Dinosaur World: Water Pack»

This expansion comes with 6 new dinosaurs species (18 meeples and 6 tiles total!) that add some aquatic variety to your games! All dinos will have heat transfer artwork on both sides of the blue translucent plastic meeple. Which of the dinos is your favorite: Dunkleosteus, Elasmosaurus, Kronosaurus, Mosasaurus, Plesiosasurus, or Plotosaurus?

In addition to these awesome components, this expansion adds some alternate rules to play with. At the beginning of the game, players will draft these aquatic dinos instead of the standard set of dinos. These tiles have special end-game scoring rules on them, steering your strategy in different directions.

The Water Dino pack also introduces the idea of algae into the game. Players will roll an additional, special die when visiting these tiles that provides algae. You'll have to clean all the algae from the water enclosures and keep your aquatic dinos happy in a clean environment or else you'll lose victory points at the end of the game!

6 types of dinosaurs (18 color meeples)
6 park tiles
1 algae die
24 algae tokens

-description from kickstarter page


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