Винокурня Африка & Ближний восток дополнение (2022)

Distilled: Africa & Middle East Expansion
Dave Beck, Erik Evensen
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
30 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Винокурня Африка & Ближний восток дополнение»

Explore the ingredients, recipes, and personalities of Africa and the Middle East with this expansion to Distilled: A Spirited Strategy Game. Get a taste of culture not included in the base game by distilling and selling new spirits such as Akpeteshie and Boukha. Use new distillery upgrades, powerful ingredients, and thematic items to win new awards in this fully compatible expansion.


  • 6 distiller identities from Tunisia, Cape Verde, Ghana, South Africa, Lebanon, and United Arab Emirates
  • 6 signature recipe labels
  • 6 signature ingredient cards
  • 10 distillery upgrade cards
  • 9 premium market item cards
  • 10 premium market ingredient cards
  • 4 solo goal cards
  • 15 double-sided tasting flight cards (3 cards per player)
  • 5 spirit award tokens
  • 20 spirit label tokens, including Akpeteshie, Arak, Boukha, and Grogue
  • 6 distillery goal cards
  • 8 flavor cards


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