Doggy Go! Plus (2015)

Aza Chen
Пазл, В реальном времени
Сбор предметов, Размещение тайлов
Время игры
~15 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Doggy Go! Plus»

Old dogs can be taught new tricks! Let’s find out how incredible those doggy acrobats can be!

All rules remain the same as the base game with the following modifications:
1.Deal one Red and one Green Ball card to each player.
2.Put the Acrobat cards from the base game back to the game box. They won’t be used in the game.
3.Some Acrobat cards show fewer dogs on them. When completing these cards, simply put unused Doggy tiles aside.
(1)Each Acrobat card is worth 1 VP.
(2)Each set of three Acrobat cards of different colors grants 3 VP.
(3)The player with the most Acrobat cards of the same color gains 5 VP. If tied, no players gain the bonus.


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