Doomtown: Reloaded – Blood Moon Rising (2016)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Дикий запад
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Описание «Doomtown: Reloaded – Blood Moon Rising»

Description from the publisher:

Following the epic battle against the Fourth Ring, the town of Gamorra is recovering from Hawley's plague as well as Pasteur's cure. Believing the danger over, Sheriff Grothe leaves town on a mission, allowing a new menace to fill the vacuum, the new leader of the Sloane Gang.

Doomtown: Reloaded is a fast‑paced expandable card game set in the Deadlands universe of gun slingin', spell slingin' and mudslingin'! Use poker hands and card pulls for everything from gunfights to summoning abominations.

With 34 new cards, and four copies of each, along with six new outfit cards, Pine Box expansions give you new ways to customize your Doomtown decks. Whether you're looking to be shootin', spell castin' or just trying to show that you have more money and influence than the next person, Doomtown: Blood Moon Rising expands your options for takin' over Gomorra!


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