Doomtown: Reloaded – Foul Play (2015)

Mark Wootton, Dave Williams (II)
Дикий запад, Карточная, Строительство, Фэнтези, Ужас
Контроль территории, Ставки, Карты на руках, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Doomtown: Reloaded – Foul Play»

Description from the publisher:

Now that one of Gomorra's biggest players has fallen ill, the race is on to find a cure for a sickness that has been plaguing the entire town. Can Pasteur find it in time?

Doomtown: Reloaded – Foul Play, the eighth Saddlebag Expansion, features a complete playset of 21 new cards to customize your Doomtown decks. Foul Play contains all new ways to stick it to your opponent in your battle to control the town!


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