Drink & Beat (2015)

Василий Рединский
Контроль территории
Время игры
10 — 30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Drink & Beat»

The game crafting beermats for lovers of good beer. In the game teams compete magical characters who are strong, but not on the battlefield, and in the tavern for a drink.

The goal - to collect more mugs of beer than your opponent. Beermat has two sides, on which the images are identical, except background (swords or axes). Before the game, the opponents choose background team for which to play. Players take turns beermat spread on the table, trying to flip the enemy's beermat. On each of the four edges of the beermats have a figure, it shows the power of character to this edge. When a player puts a character next to another, it compares the figures for the contiguous edges. If the power is laid out the character more the enemy, character is flip into a our team player. The player always puts his background beermats up. If at the end of the course one of the players from the field lined beermats 3x3, the game ends. Players count the points and determine the winner. Each character have the icon beer mugs in the lower left corner . For every mug of beer at the bottom left icon on beermat in his team, the player gets points. Mugs of it image is a points will the character of his team, on whose side he would. Different mug can bring a different number of points.


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