Dune: The Ixian Jihad (1984)

Kenneth Burke
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Описание «Dune: The Ixian Jihad»

Variant of Dune published in Heroes Vol. 1 #1
Playing pieces (leader discs & troops) published in The General Vol. 32 #1.

The IXIANS (New faction):

AT START— 20 tokens in reserves (off-planet).
Start with 20 spice.

FREE REVIVAL— 2 tokens.

Vizier — 3
Bator — 2
Bronso — 2
Baltern — 1
Levenbrech — 1

ADVANTAGE— [i]You control the production and distribution of illegal machines.[/i]
1. Your tokens can move up to two territories per turn.

2. At the start of each spice collection round, you automatically receive ten spice per turn in addition to any spice you would normally receive, CHOAM charity included.

DISADVANTAGE— [i]You must always move first[/i]

1. In the revival round, all Ixian leaders sent to the Bene Tleilaxu tanks are revived for free (the Bene Tleilaxu and the Ixians were notorious “partners in crime”).

ALLIANCE — Allies can take advantage of the Ixian movement and spice bonuses. The Fremen movement rate would be unaltered.

1. When played by the Ixian player, it can be used to allow all Ixian tokens to fight at full strength regardless of whether or not they are supplied by spice. If they are spice supplied to start with, the strength of the units increases by one half per unit (four tokens would have the strength of six, five of seven and one half, and so on).

2. When played against the Ixian player, it destroys all spice he owns.

The Ixian player must contend with two weaknesses – always having to move first and poor leadership. Always moving first means almost no surprise attacks; enemy players will be able to retreat almost at will, fighting only when they want or have to. Low leadership values will force the Ixian player to assign large numbers of tokens to battles, as well as expend several spice points to support them. While their non-stop spice helps, the Ixians should not engage in non-stop fighting – instead, they are advised to build their strength, prepare themselves for the jihad, then strike!


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