Dungeon Saga: The Eye of the Abyss (2017)

Glenn Allan
Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Модульное поле, Ролевая игра
Время игры
30 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Dungeon Saga: The Eye of the Abyss»

Welcome to The Eye of the Abyss, an expansion box for Mantic Games’ hugely popular Dungeon Saga game. Within this expansion you’ll find a whole host of exciting new adventures to take your gaming and dungeon exploring to new levels, including a brand new adventure that ties in with the events and heroes of the Kings of War Edge of the Abyss Campaign. This set includes five single-piece heroes, with push-fit bases for gaming. You’ll also find all of the cards and rules to use these new heroes in your games of Dungeon Saga and a second campaign featuring the heroes of Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest!
So strike the flint and light your lantern adventurer, for fame and glory await you once more!

This expansion contains a brand new narrarive campaign for Dungeon Saga and includes:

  • 4 Single-piece Resin Heroes, with push fit bases; Artakl the Ghekkotah Clutch Warden, Magnilde the Varangur Demon Hunter, Eckter the Placoderm Defender and Jarvis the Ophidian-Obsessed Mage
  • 1 Single-piece Resin Villain, with push-fit base; Mau'ti-bu-su the Abyssal Temptress
  • 9 Pre-assembled Plastic Abyssal Minions, including Lower Abyssals, a Moloch, a Hellhound and more!
  • 5 Hero Cards and 5 Item cards to use in your games

Eye of the Abyss Sourcebook including 13 new Dungeon Saga Scenarios!

From the publisher's website


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