Dungeon Twister: Disciple (2005)

Christophe Boelinger
Очки действий, Карты на руках, Модульное поле, Тайные действия, Размещение тайлов, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Dungeon Twister: Disciple»

The Disciple is a mini expansion for the Dungeon Twister series of games. The Disciple comes in blue and orange color, so it´s only usable in a 2-player game. Its stats are Movement 4, Combat 1.

For 1 AP, the Disciple can flip face down the room he is standing on. All tokens in this room, including the Disciple, are placed face down on the room. All markers are removed from this room (including open or broken portcullis marker). Golem marker or other similar markers return to their owner. Wounded characters remain wounded. The "forgotten" room cannot be revealed again during the turn it was flipped. All rules concerning revealing a room apply to this room again.

The Disciple was given out at Dungeon Twister tournaments during the tournament season in 2007. Leftovers are still given out at various DT tournaments.


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