Dungeon Twister: Room P1 (2005)

Christophe Boelinger
Очки действий, Карты на руках, Модульное поле, Тайные действия, Размещение тайлов
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Dungeon Twister: Room P1»

Arch-Mage Treasure Rooms
(Rooms P1, Goodies 2004-2005)

  • The number of VP necessary to win the game is increased by 1 VP for each face-up Arch-Mage Treasure room. For example, if the game is being played to 5 VP and both Arch-Mage Treasure rooms are visible, the game is now played to 7 VP.
Giant Grinders:
  • The Giant Grinders work exactly like rifts.
  • A flying character (Wizard, Ghost, Specter, etc...) can fly over a Giant Grinder during his movement, but cannot stop there.
  • Characters who can move over pit traps, like the Thief or Elf Scout, cannot more over a Giant Grinder square.
  • A character carrying a rope can move over a Giant Grinder or stop there as long as there are two valid attachment points available. However, his movement must be from one valid square to another valid square.
  • The Giant Grinders are obstacles.
  • Pipes are not normal floor squares.
  • Pipes do not block line of sight.
  • Pipes are obstacles for characters with a combat value of 3 or more (only the unmodified combat value on the character counts).
  • Characters of combat value 0,1,or 2 (only the unmodified combat value on the character counts) can use Pipes like normal ground.
  • Characters of combat value 0,1, or 2 can stop on Pipes.
  • Characters of combat value 3 can move over Pipes like normal ground. Characters of combat value 3 cannot stop on Pipes. If they do stop on the Pipes, the Pipes break (place a broken marker) and the character falls into the giant grinders, which causes immediate death.
  • Characters of combat value 4 or more can use Pipes, but as soon as they step on them, the Pipes break and the character is killed.
  • When Pipes break, only the square where the character was standing is broken (not all of the Pipes). That can lead to a strange situation (but legal) where a piece of Pipes is all alone because the Pipes on each side were broken.
Arch-Mage Treasure:
  • A character standing on an Arch-Mage Treasure square can pick up the treasure for 1 AP. Place a Treasure token under the character.
  • Each Arch-Mage Treasure square can only offer one Treasure per game. Pace a broken marker on the Arch-Mage treasure square to indicate that this square was already looted.
  • If the Disciple "forgets" this room and it contains a looted (with a broken marker) Arch-Mage Treasure square, the broken marker is withdrawn. The square will provide another treasure once the room is discovered again.
  • The Arch-Mage Treasure squares are considered to be normal floor squares only with regards to movement and line of sight.
  • The Arch-Mage Treasure squares are not obstacles.


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