Описание «Dungeonology: Triple Threat»

With this expansion, a new Mega Boss comes into play! The chaotic Spriggan of the woods will stick to the Scholars, annoying them in completely new ways!

Spriggy in Boots, with his giant boots, will make noise by calling attention to the Student he chooses to follow, but he can also guide him to the most inaccessible places of the Dungeon.

Pinky, with his devastating punches, will chase away all the Students who approach his Scholars, but at the same time threaten the opposing Scholars.

The Brain, with his huge and bulky mask, constantly distracts his Scholar, even if he will help him collect Information Cubes.

But the real treat will be revealed when the three Spriggans meet, joining together to form the terrible SPRIGGAZORD! This Spriggan totem will annoy all Scholars, teleporting to their areas and continuing to follow them relentlessly!

--description from the publisher


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