Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (2003)

Skaff Elias, Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet, Christopher Burdett, Donais Elias
Приключения, Коллекционирование, Фэнтези, Сражения, Миниатюры
Бросание кубиков, Ролевая игра
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures»

This game is sold as Entry Packs and Expansions.
The Starter Set gives new players everything they need to play fast skirmish battles. They get 12 pre-painted miniatures, a stat card for each miniature, two double-sided battle maps, a 20-sided die (d20), damage counters, Quick-Start Rules, Advanced Rules, and a spell effect template. Special hints for beginners gets them playing quickly.
It allows three different ways to play:
1. Play using the competitive D&D skirmish rules in the Entry Pack.
2. Represent characters and monsters in the D&D roleplaying game
3. Collection for D&D Fantasy.

The skirmish rules allow players to compete in a war bands fight. Winner is the player whose war band eliminates enemy creatures equal to its own cost. There are also various other victory conditions.

Expanded by

  • Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Handbook
  • Dungeons & Dragons Fantastic Locations: Fane of the Drow
  • Dungeons & Dragons Fantastic Locations: Hellspike Prison
  • Dungeons & Dragons Fantastic Locations: Dragondown Grotto
  • Dungeons & Dragons Fantastic Locations: The Frostfell Rift
  • Dungeons & Dragons Fantastic Locations: City of Peril


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