Dwarf King's Hold: Ancient Grudge (2012)

Jake Thornton
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Количество игроков
3 — 4

Описание «Dwarf King's Hold: Ancient Grudge»

From the Publisher's Site:

Whether you plan on treasure-seeking in the grim darkness or holding back the forces of evil with naught but your sword and your wits, Dwarf King’s Hold is the acclaimed dungeon crawler board game from Mantic Games. Fuelled by action points and dice-driven combat, Dwarf King’s Hold is a objective-led game of skill and cunning, expanded upon by Dwarf King’s Hold: Ancient Grudge:

Make yours Multiplayer: introduces four new scenarios for 3-5 player games.

More Choice: Rules for five new troop choices for each of the factions, - Undead, Dwarf, Elves and Orcs - including special characters and large monsters such as the Werewolf and the troll-like Bogie.

Introducing Warbands: includes point costs for all troop types meaning you can play through all previous scenarios with a Warband of your choice.

New Rooms: includes two new Ice-themed tiles to expand your collection of large rooms.

Contains: 11 plastic and 1 metal miniatures.


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