Описание «Eclipse: Anticipation of the Elders»

Holiday Special 2016

During the darkest times, mysterious objects occasionally appear throughout the galaxy. Fragments of old chronicles suggest that these forebode the return of the Elders. However, the stashes quickly flicker away from the base reality again. Only the quickest civilizations can benefit from their rewards...

Eclipse: Anticipation of the Elders is a print and play expansion.

Player materials:
24 Elder Stash Tiles

Shuffle the Stash Tiles face down (showing the round numbers). Take one random tile of each number and place them face down on the respective spaces (2-9) on the Round Track. Discard the rest without looking at them.

First player to pass in the Action Phase immediately draws the tile on the next round space on the Round Track. He resolves the immediate effect and discards the tile. The round then continues normally.


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