Economy Chess (2012)

El Kitch
Абстрактные, Распечатай и играй
Поле для перемещения
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков

Описание «Economy Chess»


Economy Chess is alot like normal chess, pieces move the same way and the objective is the same (checkmate the king). The difference is the economy: harvest money from the lands you own, and buy and place pieces strategicaly. Spend -or save- your money wisely!


When your pieces move around they automatically conquer squares. Each square = 1 coin income per turn. Use the coins to purchase pieces and place them in your productionarea. The player may not move in the turn that the pieces where bought. Losing a tempo can be extremely costly.
Managing your money is an important aspect of the game. If you lose ground to much, the opponent can build alot of material. However, if that leads to sloppy positional play you might get mated while being rich!

ECONOMY CHESS 960 (Fischer Random)

Play standard chess with the pieces on your backrank shuffled. Chess960 is the most common chessvariant and can also be played with an economy.

SANDBOX (create your own Economy Chess variant)

In an economy people are stimulated to buy cheaper goods. By adjusting the prices of pieces you can alter the economy to your own will. Or players recieve starting money, giving them a sweet boost.
Adjustig those variables is an easy way to create a handicap. A handicap can be used to make the game challenging when a strong chessplayer plays a lower rated opponent.


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