Empires of the Void: Sirens of Belshar (2012)

Ryan Laukat
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Описание «Empires of the Void: Sirens of Belshar»

A free print-and-play mini expansion for Empires of the Void includes a player tableau and planet token for an additional faction; the Sirens of Belshar.

The special ability of the Sirens basically means that they may steal a Starfighter from an opposing player in a space battle, provided that at least one Siren Diplomat ship is present in this battle and the Sirens have an unused Starfighter ship available. If these two conditions are met, the opposing Starfighter is removed and handed back to its owner, whereas the additional Starfighter of the Sirens is placed at the same space and - of course - participates in the battle on side of the Sirens.


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