
Endless Winter: Squirrel & Nut Promo Cards (2022)

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Время игры
60 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Endless Winter: Squirrel & Nut Promo Cards»

An Endless Winter promo card available through Endless Winter: Paleoamericans Kickstarter. These promo cards will have limited availability from the publisher at conventions, publisher's website, etc.

Shuffle the Squirrel card into the top half of the deck at setup.
Shuffle The Nut card into the bottom half of the deck at setup.

Squirrel Effect: During the Eclipse Phase, you may place 2 cards of the Animal deck face up in the Hunting Grounds, then choose 1 Animal card.

Nut Effect: Exchange the Nut with 1 other Animal card in the Hunting Grounds. At end of gain, if you also have the Squirrel, gain 8 points; if you do not have the Squirrel, lose 5 points.
