Epic Resort Upgrade Kit (2016)

Ben Harkins
Построение колоды/мешка/движка, Карты на руках, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
~90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Epic Resort Upgrade Kit»

The upgrade kit is for those with the first edition of Epic Resort to bring it up to speed with all the changes included in the second edition

It was originally offered in the Epic Resort: Villain's Vacation Kickstarter campaign. The upgrade kit was contained in the expansion box for those that backed at that level. There was a UPC sticker on the bottom of the box indicating it included the upgrade kit

The upgrade kit will be available from the publisher

Workers - Bouncer (4), Journeyman (4), Squire (4), Versatilist (4)

Heroes - Ranger (2), Rogue (2)

Attractions - Tiki Hut (4), Dragonflame Tub (2), Timberline Trail (2), Street Parade (2), Gallery of Conquests (2), Canopy Zipline (2), Razorback Roast (2), Island Regata (2), Twilight Masquerade (2), Slaughter Coaster (2)

Other - Harbormaster Card (1), Attack! Cards (2), Monster Cards (30)


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