Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Queenie 12: Slide (2017)

Kristian Amundsen Østby
Приключения, Кубики
Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Размещение тайлов
Количество игроков
1 — 5

Описание «Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Queenie 12: Slide»

Queenie 12 for Escape. 2 new chambers and 1 new curse

Slide Chamber: When this chamber is discovered, the discovering player must place his adventurer immediately into this chamber. Once discovered, all players may enter the chamber through the stairway without needing to use any symbols. To enter the chamber through the other entrance, the player must roll the symbols shown on the tile as normal (in this case, 3 torch symbols).

Debris Chamber: In order to discover this chamber a player has to roll 2 adventurers as well as a key and a torch symbol.

Cyclops Curse: You must place one hand over one of your eyes and keep it there until this curse is lifted.


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