Fangs and Swords (2009)

Fréderic Moyersoen, Eric Hanuise
Фэнтези, Распечатай и играй, Строительство
Драфт карт, Размещение тайлов
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Fangs and Swords»

From the Introduction:
" Battle rages on between orcs and knights. Green and yellow mix into a chaotic melee and no-one knows which side will win this battle. Each player attempts to make his side victorious, orcs or knights.

Mage towers scattered on the battlefield are strategic objectives, and it soon appears that who controls the most towers will reap the seeds of victory. "

Orcs and Knight fight on the battlefield in a chaotic melee.
Each player tries to secure small areas of the battlefield, hoping to regroup and turn the battle to his advantage.

Once an area of the battlefield is completely surrounded by orcs and knights, a tally is made on each flank to determine who controls that area.

Fight for control of 7 towers using tiles that have both Orcs and Humans in the corners. Use your Power Tokens like Drummers, Leaders, Banners, and Shamans to increase your chances of victory on the field of battle. The first player to control 3 towers wins the day.

Batt'l K'haos has well-written rules and is easy to pick up and learn. It is on the lighter end of the game spectrum and plays in about 20 minutes.


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