Fantastiqa: Fantastic Events Expansion (2012)

Alf Seegert
Построение колоды/мешка/движка, Карты на руках, Из точки в точку, Одновременные действия, Сбор предметов
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Fantastiqa: Fantastic Events Expansion»

The Fantastic Events Expansion contains 24 extra cards -- all EVENTS -- to make your adventures in FANTASTIQA that much more fantastical. These cards are combined with the Creature Card deck at the beginning of the game.

This expansion will become available at retailers around 12/1/2012.

  • FAIRY RING (Event--6 cards total): Place 3 gems from the supply in your current Region. A player who ends her turn in this Region may claim ONE of these Gems.
  • UNRULY ARTIFACT (Event--3 cards total): Draw two Artifact cards and tuck one part-way under each Region holding an Artifact Tower. A player who ends his turn in a Region with an Unruly Artifact immediately adds this card to his Discard Pile.
  • WAYWARD BEAST (Event--3 cards total): Draw two Beast cards and tuck one part-way under each Region holding a Beast Bazaar. A player who ends his turn in a Region with a Wayward Beast immediately adds this card to his Discard Pile.
  • MISPLACED QUEST (Event--3 cards total): Draw two Quest cards and tuck one part-way under each Region holding a Quest Chest. A player who ends his turn in a Region with a Misplaced Quest immediately claims this card and places it face-up in front of him like any other Quest.
  • MAGIC CARPET RIDE (Event--3 cards total): Each player may immediately fly to the Region of her choice at the cost of 1 Gem per Region traveled.
  • TRICKSTER RAVEN (Event--3 cards total): Each player must pass one card from her hand to the player on her right.
  • MARKET DAY (Event--3 cards total): All players may freely buy, sell, or trade with one another this turn.

See FILES for a detailed-filled PDF summary of all FANTASTIQA expansions.


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