Flash Point: Fire Rescue – Fire Prevention Specialist (2014)

Lutz Pietschker
Очки действий, Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Доставка, Имитация событий, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Flash Point: Fire Rescue – Fire Prevention Specialist»

The Fire Prevention Officer is a KS exclusive from the Honor and Duty expansion. It includes a card and rules but no minis. It has been produced in 4500 copies and here's the rules for this character:

4 AP - This specialist has done his work years ago; he talked to the builders and home owners and convinced them to adopt a fire security plan. On his advice smoke detectors and smoke exhausts have been installed, and emergency exits have been planned and marked clearly. Now these measures prove their worth: People are warned and can move out via marked escape routes, and smoke clears off the building.

Prevent/De-Smoke: Move a smoke token anywhere on the board for 1 AP per space. Movement must be on the shortest route towards nearest exterior door, playerʼs choice if alternative routes exist; Smoke passes closed interior doors at no extra cost. Smoke vanishes when outside the building. Moved smoke ignites immediately if adjacent to fire; if it moves on top of other smoke, it becomes fire.
Prevent/Escape: Move a POI token (only if "?" side up) anywhere on the board for 2 AP per space. Movement must be on the shortest route towards nearest exterior door, playerʼs choice if alternative routes exist. POIs can open doors on their way for 2 AP; they will not use breached walls, ladders etc. (they use the escape route "as marked"). POIs moved outside of the building (=coordinate area) are revealed. POIs will not move into fire.

Note: If playing with multi-floor game boards, "shortest route to exterior door" may be via a stair. Note: In the subway station, exits are all spaces with an ambulance symbol.

2017 update:
Included in Flash Point: Fire Rescue – Tragic Events with a corresponding miniature.


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