Fleet Commander: Forge (2016)

Pierre Steenebruggen, Didier Dincher
Миниатюры, Научная фантастика, Варгейм
Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Карты на руках, Тайные действия
Время игры
30 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Fleet Commander: Forge»

Fleet Commander: Forge

With the Forge mini-expansion, you will be able to add to your fleet some of the most powerful and sophisticated warships ever seen in the galaxy. Using the hulls of standard warships, the "Forge" managed to develop a new mix of capacities according to the requirements of their customers. As a Commander of the Hegemony of Amycles, you can now add the dangerous class 2 Assault-ship and class 3 Gun-ship to your fleet. As a Phoeban Commander, count on the fast Strategic Cruiser and the sturdy Turtle Ship to master the battle zone. Finally, intelligence agencies intercepted transmissions about "specific special weapons" inbound to system PA-FF-104. Has the "Forge of Fendrix" already equipped Battleships with such unique devices, or are they still only plans? The answer is in the battle to come.


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