Fortress America: Expansion Pack #1 (2004)

Steve A. Wood
Поле для перемещения, Кооператив, Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~300 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Fortress America: Expansion Pack #1»

This is touted as the "1st Part in a planned series of expansions to renovate a great game!" from the website featuring it.


  • Rules
  • New Unit Specifications Chart (similar to the original one but with the new Units Capabilities)
  • New Unit Distribution Chart (Indicates which of the new types are being used by each Player)
  • Sheet of re-usable stickers to place upon the pieces to denote their special abilities in the game.
There are 2 new variations for each of the 5 unit types in the game:
  • Regular Infantry - has "Heavy Infantry" & "Paratroops" versions.
  • Mobile Units - has "Anti-Aircraft M.U." & a "Troop Transport M.U."
  • Hover Tanks - has "Heavy Assault" & a "Defensive" version.
  • Helicopters - has "Heavy Assault" & "Troop Transport" types.
  • Bombers - has "Long Range" & "Stealth" versions.

It should be noted that all the players, including the US Forces, will be able to use whichever of the options that are chosen by that particular Player. Also, when the U.S. draws cards with reinforcements for placement, then it is possible for the U.S. to gain additional new units using a die roll and obtaining the required result. With this kit and the original game's components, you'll be ready in very little time to begin a new gaming experience.

Players will pick just 1) of the 2 kinds from each of the 5 new types and will indicate this on the "Unit Distribution Chart". The new 'Unit Specification Chart' contains the necessary information for all these pieces in a convenient location and handy Chart, but don't neglect to read the entire rules before beginning the game. Once your choices have been made for the current game and play has commenced, then that is what you'll be using for the duration of it!


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