
Forum Trajanum: Essen Promo Cards (2018)

Время игры
60 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Forum Trajanum: Essen Promo Cards»

Forum Trajanum: Essen Promo Cards is a promo pack that contains three "Trajan" cards. Forum Trajanum comes with twelve Trajan cards, so this pack provides three extra Trajan cards for more variety and replayability in the game!

To collect this pack of promo cards at SPIEL '18, you needed to find three of the four Romans on patrol in the Messe in Essen. Yes, four Romans in traditional garb were wandering the Messe Halls in Essen, and they were stamping a promotion card. These promo cards were available at the HUCH! and Stronghold Games booths at SPIEL '18. Once you received three or four stamps, the card could be turned in for this pack of promo cards!
