Four Against Darkness: Warlike Woes (2020)

Andrea Sfiligoi, Erick N. Bouchard
Приключения, Книга
Бросание кубиков, Запись результатов
Время игры
45 — 75 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Four Against Darkness: Warlike Woes»

Warlike Woes is a supplement for Four Against Darkness, for parties of level 2 and above.

It features a host of new monsters, potions, new reactions, rules for gambling, new equipment, herbal remedies, a sample dungeon, and even new room shapes.

Featuring: Halfling Highwaymen, Jabbering Jackalopes, Sneezing Sporelings, Wanton Wenches, Jarring Jackals, Putrefied Penitents, Egregious Elves, Naughty Nixies, Sickening Swine-Men, Boozer Bandits, Dumb Dogs, Ostrichian Knights, Wary Witchhunters & Warhounds, Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Flail Slug, Penguin-Bear, Landshark, Assassin Bugs, Chaotic Pillar of Flesh, Goblinogre, Ettin, Crying Angel of Peace, Quarterlich, Cyclops, Lesser Mykityad, Hags of the Deep, Mummified Kobold Guardians, Scissor Monsters, Elephant Men, Frozen Abyssal Shades, Raiders, Kobold Scouts, and the Final Boss Lair Feature table that will change forever your Final Boss encounters in Four Against Darkness.

-From publisher blurb


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