Game of Trolls (2017)

Gabriel "Piru" Fernández
Блеф, Дедукция, Вечеринка
Выбывание игрока, Ролевая игра
Время игры
30 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
4 — 25
Возраст игроков

Описание «Game of Trolls»

Game of Trolls (GOT) is a game created and developed by the well-known Spanish Youtube Channel “La mazmorra de Pacheco” and funded through a successful crowdfunding campaign. In this game, the players will play the role of board game youtubers who will have to survive against one of the fearsome plagues that Humanity will ever known: the Internet Troll!

Based on the mechanics of the popular game Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, where some players will play as Youtubers, while others will be the hateful Troll. The aim of the Youtubers will be to eliminate the Trolls; on the other hand, the Trolls would be able to deceive the different channels, covering their secret identity. Game of Trolls is a simple and fun game for groups, that includes a series of mechanics familiar to every board game aficionado.

Secrets identities, trolling and a lot of fun for all the family!


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