GKR: Heavy Hitters – Big Little Buddy (2017)

Shem Phillips, Matt Hyra
Миниатюры, Военные, Научная фантастика, Варгейм
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
60 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «GKR: Heavy Hitters – Big Little Buddy»

Available as a Kickstarter add-on or as part of the Urban Wasteland Expansion.

Big Little Buddy, a friend you can share! Need a friend? Call on the corporation with money to spend! Enter BUDDYFINDER™ - the premier subscription-based friend rental service. Rental friends starting as low as 12.99 a month!

In sport, there are usually a couple of big sponsors that pay for exclusive primary advertising and presence. In GKR: Heavy Hitters, Big Little Buddy is that guy. He’s made available for the match (as well as serviced and repaired after the match) by his premier sponsor – BUDDYFINDER ™. They’ve got money to burn and they want their name everywhere. IN YOUR FACE.

Subtle, Little Buddy is not.

When Big Little Buddy is deployed to the gameboard, he advertises for whichever Faction has unlocked him for that round. Players can try to claim Little Buddy by playing a special Sponsor Card – a move that can only be deflected by playing a counter-hack.

Once a player controls Lil Buddy, the fun begins. Move him during the Movement Phase, and use him to attack opponents in the Combat Phase with his own unique cards: 3 Weapon Cards and 1 Unit Card. Each round, he can only fire 1 of these weapons in his arsenal BUT he does not require Energy to fire. Making him really rather handy in a pinch. Once the Combat Phase is over, players lose control of him once more.

Like all Units, Little Buddy can be destroyed. Once he’s destroyed, he’s removed from the game completely. Buh bye, Little Buddy.

One important note: Lil Buddy is not considered a “Support Unit” so he’s not bound by Support Unit rules. That also means he can’t tag buildings. Standing at 70mm he’s a mid-size Unit that, we think you’ll find, more than pulls his own weight.

With Little Buddy, you’re not just getting an awesome new mini, 1 unique Unit Card, 5 new Sponsor Cards, and 3 new Weapon Cards. You’re getting a little friend to keep you warm through those long lonely nights.


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