Great War at Sea: Cruiser Warfare – Armored Cruisers (2018)

Michael Bennighof
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4

Описание «Great War at Sea: Cruiser Warfare – Armored Cruisers»

This is the twenty-sixth of the Avalanche Press Golden Journal supplements. It contains 20 additional counters for use with Great War at Sea: Cruiser Warfare as well as scenarios and variants for their use.
—user summary

We have the armored cruiser Blücher as re-designed with 11-inch (280mm) guns in place of her actual outfit of 8.2-inch (210mm) pieces. And additional armored cruisers that never existed, for use in Cruiser Warfare, replacement pieces for armored cruisers that had their armament adjusted in the Final Edition of Cruiser Warfare, and finally some ships that appeared in the game on “small” pieces now have the full glory of a “long” piece, like the Canadian cruiser Rainbow or Japanese seaplane carrier Wakamiya.


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