Great War at Sea: Great War of the Worlds at Sea (2015)

Michael Bennighof
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Описание «Great War at Sea: Great War of the Worlds at Sea»

This is the ninth of the Avalanche Press Golden Journal supplements. It contains 77 additional counters as well as scenarios and variants for several games:

Great War at Sea: Jutland - Variant is based on a battle described in Chapter 17 of H.G. Wells's novel War of the Worlds. Counters are provided for 3 martian tripods.

Panzer Grenadier: Desert Rats -- Fascist Tanks: Adds the tanks Italy might have had

Soldier Kings: Polish Soldier Kings - Adds Poland as a ninth major power.

Soldier Kings: The Republic of Genoa - Adds Genoa to Soldier Kings. There is a downloadable map that must be downloaded, though the pieces are included here.

Soldier Kings: The Kingdom of Naples - Adds Naples to Soldier Kings as a minor Spanish ally.

Soldier Kings: Toothless Lion of the North - Rules for using Swedish galley fleets.

Soldier Kings: The Soldier Popes - Adds rules for including the papal army on the liberation of the Papal States.

—user summary


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