Great War At Sea: Great White Fleet (2002)

Michael Bennighof, David Meyler, Doug McNair, Karl Laskas
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~10 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Great War At Sea: Great White Fleet»

Great White Fleet - A Great War At Sea scenario book.


First Edition, 2002:

Twenty operational scenarios feature the battleships and armored cruisers of the pre-dreadnought era. Most are based on actual war plans, including the Russian Admiralty's 1903 wargame that decided the Tsar on war with Japan. Also includes Karl Laskas' variant tactical rules for pre-dreadnoughts. An additional paper map extends the "U.S. Navy Plan Orange" map southward allowing players to explore American war plans onvolving the island of Mindanao and its anchorages.

Ownership of GWAS series games 1898: The Spanish-American War, 1904-1905: The Russo-Japanese War, Volume 1: Mediterranean, Volume 2: The North & Baltic Seas, U.S. Navy Plan Orange and U.S. Navy Plan Black is required to play all the scenarios.


Second Edition, 2009:

Front cover is the same as First Edition. The back cover is incorrect: this edition does NOT include Karl Laskas' pre-dreadnought 1000 m scale rules.

Seven battle and twenty-five operational scenarios depict war plans involving the Great White Fleet and conflicts it might have become involved in on its 1907-1908 voyage, had diplomatic clashes at the time become violent. Conflicts centered on the Venezuela Crises of 1902 and 1908, and US concerns over the defense of the Philippines in the early 1900's, are also included.

Maps and pieces from the GWAS series games 1898: The Spanish-American War (or Remember the Maine), 1904-1905: The Russo-Japanese War (or Russo-Japanese War), Mediterranean, Jutland, Cruiser Warfare, Cone of Fire, U.S. Navy Plan Red and Black Waters, as well as the maps from U.S. Navy Plan Gold or Remember the Maine, and U.S. Navy Plan Orange or South China Sea, are required to play all the scenarios.


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